Back Pain

Is Back Pain Affecting The Way You Live Your Life? Why painkillers and visits to your GP are not the answer!

When you have lower back pain or stiffness, people often think that it’s normal and that it will go away on its own. They blame it on how they slept, their posture or, worst of all, their age. In most cases, they can’t think of an obvious reason why it has happened, but recognise that it won’t get better by itself.

If this sounds familiar to you, then you’re not alone. We hear this kind of thing all the time. Lower back pain and sciatica are the most common problems that we see in our physio clinics in Norwich.

Unsure of the cause of your Back Pain?

If you haven’t received a correct diagnosis, you’re probably just hoping that it will go away on its own. That you’ll wake up one morning and your back pain will be gone.

Another scenario we hear about all the time in our clinics is that patients have been to their GP and been told simply to rest and take painkillers. Or to rub in an anti-inflammatory cream. This is rarely the right advice and, if it does help, the effect is only ever short lived. The patient is left feeling that they had wasted their time, still unable to enjoy the activities that they want to do. Some then return to their doctor, only to be prescribed more rest and stronger painkillers.

So why does back pain last so long?

One of the main reasons that people seem to struggle with back pain for so long is that they have access to too much information. Too much advice is offered from too many sources which, whilst well meant, can be conflicting and confusing. Friends, family, work colleagues and GP’s are all keen to present remedies, not to mention Google!

With so much differing information, it’s no surprise at all that many back pain sufferers give up looking for a solution and just end up living with a poorer quality of life.

Callum explains how we are helping back pain sufferers

“Back pain is one of the most misconceived conditions that we see… the best way we can help is to get some hands-on treatment and get you moving again.”

What does cause Back Pain?

It’s easy to think that the thing you were doing when you first felt your back pain was what caused it. In fact it more likely to be years of incorrect posture that caused the muscles in your lower back to get weak and be unable to handle that final lift, twist or bad sleeping position.

It’s the ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’ analogy!

Years of misuse and weakening will eventually take its toll on your back and leave you in pain and discomfort, unable to do the things you used to take for granted. The problem with not being able to determine exactly what caused the pain, or what is most likely to fix it, is that your condition becomes part of your daily life. You accept it as something that happens to everyone at some point. And accepting it means that you are less likely to seek advice and receive effective treatment.

Age is not a diagnosis!

Let’s be very clear about this, age is not a diagnosis! It can’t be. If that were the case, then how can an 80 year old run a marathon and a 50 year old be unable to walk to the shops due to back pain?

And you shouldn’t accept it as a reason for back pain either.

There is always a real reason (or most likely a number of contributing factors) as to why you suffer with back pain. A good physiotherapist will never tell you it’s age related.

How Recover Physiotherapy Can Help

If you would like to know how the team at Recover Physio can help you live your life without back pain, why not speak to one of our friendly physios first? Just click below to request a callback from a member of our team!

At Recover Physiotherapy, we are committed to helping with managing back pain to improve your quality of life. Our experienced team combines advanced physiotherapy techniques with a personalised approach to provide effective and lasting solutions.  Our physiotherapists have been trained by world leading experts and developed a systematic approach. This gives us confidence in finding the root cause for your injury in order to plan a custom roadmap for recovery.

Find your nearest Recover Physio branch

If you’d like to book a consultation, you can book online at our Princes Street clinic in Norwich, Norfolk, or our clinic at The Nest, Holt Road, Norwich.

Princes Street, Norwich City Centre

Our Princes Street clinic is the flagship clinic of Recover Physio, situated in the heart of Norwich city centre in Tombland.

The Nest, Holt Road

Our clinic at The Nest serves customers in Norwich and surrounding areas of North Norwich and Norfolk.